

Sergei Borisovich Noskov

The Director of FSBI «Belgorod interregional laboratory» 

Doctor of Veterinary Science

He was born on the 14th of April in 1958

He graduated the Kharkov Zooveterinary Institute in 1980

The area of experience: Veterinarian


SkotnikovaLP2Gomanilov Nikolai Alexandrovich

The Deputy Director

He was born on the 20th of May in 1982

He graduated the Belgorod University of Consumers’ Cooperation in 2004

The area of experience: Lawyer


SkotnikovaLP2Zahovaiko Olga Ivanovna

The Deputy Director

She was born on the 11th of September in 1985

She graduated the Voronezh State Technological Academy in 2008

The area of experience: Technologist of dairy industry


Елена НиколенкоElena Nikolaevna Nikolenko

The Deputy Director

She was born on the 30th of April in 1972 

She graduated the Belgorod State Agricultural Academy

The area of experience: Veterinarian


SkotnikovaLP2Irina Sergeevna Solovyova

The Head Accountant

She was born on the 10th of March in 1983

She graduated the Belgorod State Technological University

The area of experience: Economist